The World Is Opening Back Up After Covid… So Now What?

So we just spent the last year and a half in sweatpants, on zoom, making every excuse possible not to get dressed, or put on makeup, or put any effort into how we look. Looking good is not just a superficial feat to uphold society’s version of beauty. We can all deny it but, if you look good, you feel good. That’s a fact. And it’s time to care again.

We can start with small things. After you wake up, take a shower. Women put on mascara. Men put some product in your hair. Before your company zoom, throw on a colorful top and put on a pair of jeans. YUP! PUT. ON. A. PAIR. OF. JEANS. While I understand the need for comfort, it is in the moments of discomfort that we are our most focused. You will naturally sit up straighter and be more alert when sitting in a pair of stiff jeans. If you wear a fun color that you love and feel great in, you will naturally smile more and feel brighter!

Once you shed the leisure wear and start putting forth the effort to “get dressed” again, you will realize how much more productive you will be and how much better you will feel. It’s time to get back in the game.
